Lean Tools

Padre Software Internal Logistics, Communications, and Control systems

LPC - Lean Production Control and eKanban Parts Replenishment System

Mandate: Re-engineer the "Internal" Supply Chain to eliminate waste and lower cost

Quote: 'Companies are no longer competing on their own strengths. Supply Chains are now competing to deliver full value to customers.'

Product Review: Based on the real time demand pull of materials to the production line LPC both automates the Internal Supply Chain and controls the Planning and Scheduling of parts production.

The system is tailored to customer need and kaizened as manufacturing requirements become more demanding and complex.

The DRG Reports Generator provides real-time data collection and distribution of performance metrics and process abnormalities.

C3 - Command, Control, and Communications system

Mandate: Real Time Communication of Events and Information within the Plant and to the Enterprise

Quote: 'The "factory" will become an information network'

Product Review: C3 provides real time visibility of critical process/production events and prioritizes, dispatches personnel to correct abnormalities before the situation deteriorates. The C3 multi-directional mobile communications infrastructure links key stakeholders and processes.

All quotes are from: CME Glogal Trends in Manufacturing White Paper

A car on the assembly line

Oct 21, 2024

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